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The shortcode plugin registers all the Salient shortcodes and additionally adds a shortcode generator button to all TinyMCE enabled editors so you can easily add shortcodes without having to remember any attributes. Shortcodes were the original way Salient provided reusable elements to users, but since integration for a page builder was added, these became mostly obsolete. Still you may want to use the plugin for one or two shortcodes which are not part of the page builder, such as the “dropcap” shortcode.

Adding Shortcodes

It’s as easy as clicking on the “Nectar Shortcodes” button and making your selection through the popup modal. As seen on the left, a full list of shortcodes will be available on the top to choose from and all of the relevant options will appear below. Once you’re ready to place the shortcode, click on the green “Add shortcode” button at the bottom.

Shortcode List

  • Columns (1/6 through 1/1). Column shortcodes all have the same available attributes, the only that diffs in the column width that will be generated. It’s reccomended to generate these inside of a “full width section” shortcode, which will act as the row. Make sure to check the box for “
  • Full Width Section: Will act as a row to house columns. Also provides the ability to expand a BG layer to the edges of the screen, outside the main container (when using Salient).
  • Nectar Slider: The slider made by ThemeNectar Exclusively for Salient. Hardware accelerated, touch enabled, parallax effects & responsive. To learn more about this element, please see the Sliders section of the documentation
  • Image With Animation: Will create a single image with an optional CSS animation.
  • Centered Heading: A simple way to center a heading.
  • Divider: Creates a divider which can be used to create blank space or separate two elements/sections.
  • Dropcap: Will alter the font size of the letter or word placed within it.
  • Milestone: An animated number with a label used to highlight a statistic or company milestone.
  • Icon: Adds a icon element based on the icon library and icon selected.
  • Button: Will create a Nectar Button in any of the available theme styles.
  • Toggle Panels:  Allows you to reveal more content by clicking on the heading you define.
  • Tabbed Section: Offers you a tabbed user interface for content.
  • Testimonial Slider: Create a slider for your testimonials.
  • Clients: Gives you an easy way to display a series of client logos.  Can be displayed in a grid with the column number of your choosing or in an automatically rotating carousel.
  • Pricing Table: Creates  a pricing table which can display in 2,3,4 or 5 columns.
  • Team Member: Displays an image of your choosing with name/job position.
  • Carousel: Creates a carousel for you to place your desired content in.
  • Social Buttons: Adds your desired social buttons to the page.
  • Video: An easy way to generate the WordPress Video shortcode.
  • Audio: An easy way to generate the WordPress Audio shortcode.
  • Portfolio: Queries for portfolio projects to display based on your configuration options.
  • Recent Projects:  Similar to the portfolio element, except offers different options and is meant for featuring small groupings of projects rather than displaying a full grid
  • Blog: Queries for blog posts in your desired style based on the configuration options you choose.
  • Recent Posts:  Similar to the blog element except that it offers different options/styling and is meant for featuring small groupings of posts rather than displaying a full “blog” section.