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It’s remarkable to look back and realize that Themenectar has been in operation for 11 years this month. Launching and developing our flagship product, Salient, has been an incredible journey. Looking back at our community involvement, we’ve realized that we are long overdue to start a blog to share our insights on WordPress development, announce product releases, and have another channel to communicate with our users.

To those who have been with us since the beginning, we are so grateful for you. To those of you who are new here, here’s more about how we got here and where we’re going next.

How we got here

I started my journey as many web developers do, working freelance and building my portfolio. We couldn’t help but notice that the WordPress theme market lacked the design-focused and visually unique products we were passionate about building, so we decided to take a chance in the Envato marketplace. We wanted to build something that would inject creativity and innovation into the existing options out there and also challenge ourselves to push the boundaries of what was possible. And so, Themenectar, and subsequently Salient, were born.

Since the beginning and over the past decade of developing Salient, our guiding principles have remained steadfast:

  • Prioritize quality over quantity.
  • Embrace continuous innovation.
  • Take the time to do things right.

The demos for Salient that we’ve developed have all been a labor of love, and we treat them with the same level of detail we would apply when doing a project for a client. Our goal is to build things that we are proud of and that we know will resonate with our customers.

As we’ve continued to grow, our commitment to that excellence has only gotten stronger. With over 30 hand-crafted demos and a growing user base of over 150,000 satisfied customers, we’ve had the extraordinary experience of seeing our theme in action across a diverse range of websites and user bases. That large community has played a critical role in helping to shape the evolution of Salient and the demos that speak most to our users. We listen closely to the comments and feedback we receive and use it to guide the development of new features and improvements to the theme. 

Through the years, Salient has transformed from a single theme into a comprehensive website builder. We’ve grown alongside the needs of our users to offer unparalleled flexibility and customization options that meet the needs of an ever-changing digital landscape. As we look forward to the future, we remain committed to pushing Salient forward, while also developing other products that we believe will change the WordPress landscape, but more on that to come. 

What we are up to now

We’re committed to continuously enhancing and refining Salient to ensure it remains at the forefront as a robust WordPress website builder, and addressing user feedback to maintain its status as a top choice for WordPress users.

Furthermore, in addition to our ongoing development of Salient, we eagerly anticipate sharing insights, tips, and updates on our products to enhance our users’ WordPress experience. But there’s more – we’re also diligently working on a new product that we’ve teased and will soon unveil! We believe it will be a game-changer for WordPress web design. Stay tuned for further updates..

Your support has been priceless

As we celebrate 11 years of Themenectar, we’re overwhelmed with gratitude for all the support and trust you, our users, have placed in us. We sincerely mean it when we say that your support and feedback have helped shape our journey, driving us to innovate and refine our products to meet your needs. We’re excited about what the future holds. We are so thankful you’ve been alongside us on this journey and can’t wait to continue building something extraordinary together.

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